This video expresses the brand story of Kishun.
Our logo takes on new meaning every time it is viewed from a different perspective.
This logo symbolizes the “change of viewpoint” which is essential to continuing to embody our brand concept of “experience 180° of change.”
“We will eliminate the term ‘worthless’ from society.”
Towards a “reframing” company
Reframing means “viewing things from a new framework that is unfettered by convention.”
For the first time, we created value for colored gems that were previously considered worthless.
From that start, Kishun has established the basic policy of being a “reframing” company.
“Is this really a gem?”—Asking this question is the basis of appraising a jewel. However, Kishun expands this question to consider things beyond jewels.
We look for value in people, businesses, equipment, and budgets.
Kishun aims to continue making judgments without being bound by convention for all aspects of our corporate activities. Ultimately, we will one day eliminate the term “worthless” from society.